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S0250-2 Contact for quotation ¥100
S0250-10 Contact for quotation ¥100


Kongensin A is a natural product isolated from Croton kongensis. Kongensin A is an effective, covalent HSP90 inhibitor that blocks RIP3-dependent necroptosishas. Kongensin A is a potent necroptosis inhibitor and an apoptosis inducer. Kongensin A has potential anti-necroptosis and anti-inflammation applications.

Product information

CAS Number: 885315-96-8

Molecular Weight: 374.47

Formula: C22H30O5

Chemical Name: (2R, 4R, 8R, 9S, 13R)-2-hydroxy-5, 5, 9-trimethyl-14-methylidene-10, 15-dioxotricyclo[, ]hexadec-1(16)-en-8-yl acetate

Smiles: CC1(C)CC[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@]2(C)[C@@H]1C[C@@H](O)C1=C[C@@H](CCC2=O)C(=C)C1=O


InChi: InChI=1S/C22H30O5/c1-12-14-6-7-18(25)22(5)17(11-16(24)15(10-14)20(12)26)21(3,4)9-8-19(22)27-13(2)23/h10,14,16-17,19,24H,1,6-9,11H2,2-5H3/t14-,16-,17-,19-,22-/m1/s1

Technical Data

Appearance: Solid Power

Purity: ≥98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical or refer to Certificate of Analysis

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and -20 oC for 1 year or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Shelf Life: ≥12 months if stored properly.

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 oC for 1 month or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Drug Formulation: To be determined

HS Tariff Code: 382200

How to use

In Vitro:

Kongensin A (0-15 μM; 6 hours; HT29 cells) treatment induces caspase activation and apoptosis in multiple cancer cell lines in a dosage-dependent manner. Kongensin A (0-15 μM; 24 hours; HT29 cells) treatment induces the degradation of RIPK1 and oncogenic kinases such as ERBB2, AKT, EGFR, and B-raf, and induces the up-regulation of HSP90A and HSP90B. Kongensin A covalently binds to cysteine 420 in the middle domain of HSP90 and dissociates HSP90 from its cochaperone CDC37. The HSP90-CDC37 complex is required for RIP3 activation, KA blocks LPS/Smac mimetics/Z-VAD and RIP3 polymerization-induced cell death, in which cell death is dependent on RIP3 but not its upstream kinase RIP1.


  1. Li D, et al. Natural Product Kongensin A is a Non-Canonical HSP90 Inhibitor that Blocks RIP3-dependent Necroptosis. Cell Chem Biol. 2016 Feb 18;23(2):257-266.

Products are for research use only. Not for human use.


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